Based on the classic 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series! After being accidentally exposed to radioactive ooze, four ordinary household pets are transformed into a band of wisecracking, pizza-loving, villain-dicing adolescent reptiles! Whether it’s facing fierce enemies or saving humanity from near extinction, with the guidance of their Sensei, these Heroes in a Half Shell are always ready for straight outta the sewer action!
This deluxe set of all four Turtle brothers disguised as completely normal humans includes a massive mix of accessories and new head mechanics for even more facial expressions! Head tops and bottoms are interchangeable across all 4 Turtles, so you can mix and match to create a variety of expressions unique to each Turtle.
Includes four 7” scale action figures (Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael), plus: Pigeon Pete, pizzas, Boom box, skateboard, signature weapons, interchangeable hands and heads, masked heads, removable hats, fabric coats and pants, and more! Window box packaging with opening front panel.
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